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aviation business

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Specialisation across global cuisines

  • Chinese cuisine

  • Western cuisine

  • Japanese cuisine

  • Indian cuisine

  • Middle Eastern cuisine

  • Southeast Asian cuisine

  • Halal and kosher meals

State-of-the-Art Automation

  • Omelette machine

  • Hot fill machine

  • Automatic tilting braising machine

  • Blast chiller

  • Tray-setting machine

  • Warehouse management system

  • Cart management system

Rigorous hygiene and safety standards

All raw materials go through various checkpoints to meet with our stringent hygiene and safety control requirements.


CPCS provides premium catering services in a sustainable, ethical and responsible manner.

Ensuring the safety of our staff and our customers is of the utmost importance at CPCS. Safety remains our number-one priority across every aspect of our operations.
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